"Heavy metal thunder" The musicstyle nam "Metal" or "Heavy Metal" comes from the song Born to be wild. (I love popmusichistory and Bert van de Kamp our teacher!)
Went iceskating this morning! With Rosa. It was pants-peeingly scary but also very nice and we had lots of fun. She's made some pictures, so if there are going to be any good you might see them on her blog, somewhere in the near future (analogue tu sais).
Just had a 45 minute skypeconversation with my classmate/homie Lisa. We went singing waka waka a ee ee and tokko tokoo toyotatokkodaihatsu. While we actually started skyping so we could rehease for Lisa's exams :p ain't that so Elizameniza?
My sister cannot understand I am deeply madly horribly in love with this man. I do though.

Well merry christmas
x Vjeze Flur
And like a true natures child, we were born, born to love Alan Rickman :p