I've been busy with school today. We have a class called musicproduction, is about tumtumtummmmmmm producing music yay! 10 points! In class we recorded several instruments (drums, bass, guitar and some vocals) and now we had to make a 1 minute song out of it, record one new track, and mix it right. All with the help from Logic (the programme). At first I was like AArgh, but in the end I am quite satisfied I guess. Hopefully he will be too.
Then I went figuring out songs I can play for the session I was talking about.. okay! SO! I've got one for shoooo.
Joan Osborne - What if God was one of us
but I'm actually also doubting if maybe I should do the Weird Al version of it.
For the others.. I'm thinking about Karma Police/Radiohead, and Wicked Games/Chris Isaac.
But if I'm doing Karma Police I'm gonna have to transpose it (make a song higher or lower, in this case higher) and then it still might be too low.
I even thought about doing an Amy Studt song! You know her songs?.. She had the hit Misfit.. I really loved her songs. But it's so much lyrics.. and when I really have to remember lyrics, I tend to be shitty at it. So..... decisions decisions!
I think any day now, I might start painting parts my hair odd unnatural colours.
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