dinsdag, mei 4


Some people tell me certain things are not smart to do. But I tend not to listen. Or at least I try not to listen. Not with everything. I won't jump into a river, I know that's not smart. I'm not talking about those smart/not smart things. Anyway, not making any sense I suppose.

I try not to listen, but sometimes it's hard not to. I want to do everything as right as possible, because I want to do what I'm doing now for as long as possible. And get better. And go to perform in other countries than just the Netherlands. Not that I'm not satisfied. But you know, I'm not Jan Smit. I've got bigger dreams and wishes. So sometimes, I choose the save way, to make sure I'm not doing anything that's not smart. Not saying stuff because people might think it's weird. But isn't every artist weird?.. or at least kind of? All those minds here and there and everywhere, we never have our thoughts on a line, or in a box. We think out of that, and so, our thoughts are everywhere. My thoughts are everywhere.
And then there is the, all art comes from depression and sadness and heart-brokenness. You can not write songs only about something happy, the sadness/madness/heart-brokenness, that is interesting. From those emotions, people do weird stuff. And I find people doing weird stuff extremely interesting. I like the hypocrite human, but just to write songs about. I like sarcasm and dumbness through confusion. It doesn't make me sad, it just makes me think.

I may be only 19, but I went through a lot already in my life. I missed lots of high school days because I was too tired to go, nobody said I was depressed, but I wasn't shiny happy either. People told me I was very intelligent, then told me I was not. People I loved betrayed me, in ways that were almost too hard to take. I betrayed myself. And I did things I will never be proud of, but also do not regret, because they made me into what I am, what I do and in what way I look at life. ('but how does a cliché become one anyway?')

I do not pity myself or anything, I passed that stage a long time ago. I know life's not fair, and that in that, everybody's got a share. Every person goes through horrible things. More horrible, less horrible, in a way that doesn't even matter.

I am proud of myself though, not always, not about everything, but sometimes an about some things. That I got clean in my class about something I was too scared to talk about, everybody was too scared to talk about, or too disgusted maybe. Something you might be able to guess, but something I'm still too scared about to talk about it here. People might think I'm weird. People might talk. It's always that isn't it? for everyone? I don't believe in people that truly don't give a shit about anything others might say about them. I say those people are created/imagined by people who needed a certain god like such. Like all the Christians, Catholics, Muslim, Jews etc. need a god.

We suffer the most from the suffering that we fear.
Een mens lijdt dikwijls het meest door het lijden dat hij vreest.

That is something my grandfather used to say, and I couldn't agree more.
Anyway, the whole point of this blog was, that I'm going to change 0neTrickPony into a different name. I don't have a new one yet. You could even help me think. I think it will be so hard to come up with a new name.. this one just slipped in. Now I'm going to have to think of one, and love it enough to replace the old one with.

I say, au revoir
x Fleur

7 opmerkingen:

  1. Wow, wat eerlijk en sterk :)
    En heel veel succes met steeds opnieuw doen wat je nu doet. (ik doe met je mee)
    Ja, leeftijd is een erg relatief ding, denk ik. Maar aan de andere kant, hoe kan je leven zonder iets mee te maken? (oh, ik wíst dat deze reactie zou verzanden in zo'n filosofietje, sorry)
    Nog één ding: ik had laatst deze tekst in mijn hoofd 'i'm only like that when i stretch to the sky and eat the air he provides' Uit welk liedje komt die? En klopt het dat die niet meer op youtube staat? En euh, had je niet ergens geschreven dat het mogelijk was om verzoekjes te doen? Ik hoop het! :)

  2. Wow, dat was diep...
    vereist veel lef...

    Ik vindt mezelf terug in je woorden

    btw, @Rosan het komt uit het nummer poppies; )

  3. Dat was hij zeker :)

    Dankje! Haha nee, gelukkig maak je dingen mee, zou anders ook maar saai zijn.
    Het is Poppies ja, en die was ik toevallig zonet nog aan het spelen :p ik zal 'm er zeker op zetten, of het de eerstvolgende wordt weet ik nog niet zeker..
    Jij ook succes!

    En het is nog niet eens alles, zoveel lef heb ik dus ook weer niet. ;p

  4. Leuk, ik wacht rustig af.

    Maar je hoeft ook niet álles te delen :)

  5. Mooie blog (: heel herkenbaar
    Mensen denken vaak dat het mij niks kan schelen wat anderen van mij denken. Terwijl een andere groep mensen weer precies het tegenovergestelde denkt (van mij). En die mensen hebben natuurlijk meer gelijk.
    Maar inderdaad, blijven dromen en wordt geen Jan Smit! x

  6. Wauw, mooi.
    Het enige motto dat mijn oma me heeft meegegeven is "vele handen maken licht werk." Maar het is me tot nu toe niet gelukt daar mijn extra levenskracht uit te halen.
    Hoe dan ook, misschien komt het omdat ik teveel disneyfilms heb gezien; maar de zin 'je hart volgen' is hier wel op zijn plaats. Joan Smith. (:
