dinsdag, april 20

A not yet finished song

I got the idea of the song a while ago. Started writing the real song a while after that. And now I stopped writing, but it's not finished yet. It's still missing something.

Anyway, I just thought I'd post it here. To create some room in my head, tu sais. Nah, I don't know. But it might just help.

Shakespeare, Shakespeare, please don't be so proud
You gotta, gotta, help me out
I just don't get it, just don't get it, just don't get
why you picked the names, Romeo and Juliet

Sometimes when I'm happy I think, that you've picked Juliet
because it rhymes with 'I'm so happy we have met'
And that you've chosen Romeo
Because it's rhymes with 'love you so'

But other times, when I feel sad, I'm sure that you've picked Juliet
because it rhymes with 'Romeo, you'll just end up death'
And that you've chosen Romeo
Because it rhymes with ' well fetch me another beer you ho'

And other times I'm sure that you've picked Juliet,
so Juliet probably would've said 'Oh Romeo, Romeo,
I love you like Ben'n'Jerry's cookie dough'
So Romeo, Romeo, probably said:
'Oh Juliet, so that's why you got so fat'

And then, sometimes, when I'm playing, I repeat the beginning. Mm.. I don't know..
I'm not asking for suggestions by the way. You're free to share if you have an idea, but I'll probably won't use it because I'm stubborn and a my-way-or-the-highway-girl. If something's good I'm not like that by the way. I'm not so stubborn that it keeps me from learning. Luckily not!

Well gaudi's. See you later.

maandag, april 19


Image time!


And if it doesn't work, like last time with the worldpress pictures, here's the link http://cheezdailysquee.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/129153126755544301.jpg
I looove daily squee!

HAHaaaaa http://cheezdailysquee.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/129153140127192379.jpg
(I'm just going to post the links, so just click them bitches for cute)


oh shit, yesterday, I had a fucking wasp in my room. (I'm sorry for the capitalletters and the swearing. Cute baby animals make me extremely hyper and excited not in a wrong way and maybe me go blablathis blaaaabla that. You should ask my friends. I really, really, also make high squeaky sounds which, I assume, are HIGHLY annoying). But and then, I tried to open the window but then the wasp began BZZZZZZZI'ma sting you motherfuckerBZZ! And then I hurried the hell out of my room. And then I got a broom and I SQUASHED it! MAAAAHAHAHAHAH!
No, actually, I pushed open the window with the broomstickstick and the ugly totally scary ew wasp flew out. If it even stings me, I will eat him aliv.. no, no I won't.

RAAAWWRRRR http://cheezdailysquee.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/129149678807326193.jpg

Variational piggies, one to match your every outfit http://cheezdailysquee.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/129151284665796020.jpg

AAAHHH IEEE OMG! http://cheezdailysquee.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/129151285318764770.jpg
HAAahahahhaha that is so cute :D

Kung-fu.. ferr.. panda! http://cheezdailysquee.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/129139191852124403.jpg

after omg-cat, now we got omg-monkey http://cheezdailysquee.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/129139378830981806.jpg
(click here if you don't know omg cat: http://www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/887541/0a066cb8/poes_ziet_spook.html )

gangster pony http://cheezdailysquee.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/129150541375928084.jpg

and with that little creature, I will end all this mad woman crazy lady thing. I will lock myself in the bathroom with nothing more than a stick, hitting myself every time I think of something cute and have the urge to bother other people with that very same urge.
... Or I'll go watch Grey's Anatomy in 45 minutes.

Yeah.. hard decision.. need.... time..... to...... think......

Love thy neighbour, peace out
X Fleur

ps. edit, ps. mahaaa just published this blog, and then found out the links aren't clickable mahhahaaaaa effort bitches! YEAH!! (again..... sorry......) omg I totally hear a music corpse now. Is this heaven? Am I dead?

zaterdag, april 17

My 'trip' to France!

Hi guyz

I'll be going to France next Friday (the 23th of April). If you've been following me a while you'll probably remember I participated to modern dance 'shows' 2 times before. Previous times it was a week of work an preparations (a work week in which we made the whole thing from scratch, apart from the ideas of course, they were there already) and a presentation at the end of it.
The 'drive' behind the (sorry for all the ' ' .. it's just.. I don't know :p) projects is the choreographer Piet Rogie a man with an amazing and inspirational mind and really fun to work with! I know, that might sound a bit.. sappy and vomitable, but it's just really true. I had such great times before, I learned so much by working together with other people, it really didn't matter they were dancers. It's just about the creative progress and the stories behind. That I dance/move like a pig in distress does not matter because I'm not dancing, I'm just singing and participating otherwise (it's not only dance there were also just some.. 'play' things in it).

Anyway. I'll be going to Blanchefosse-et-Bay for a week, working only at night.. I'm very curious about how that's going to be.. I've always had problems with being tired a lot, and I get a little cranky and sick sometimes.. ah well :P we'll see. Maybe I'll sleep during the day. I'm good at that, really.

omg, I just checked the weather out and it will be about 17 to 19 degrees everyday! I am practically drooling right now. I am so ready for the sunnier weather. I shouldn't complain 'cause it's been great in Holland too, but it's just a bit too cold for me still.

I made some Google Earth print screens. And here they are

How I love technology.
Oh, and, speaking about that. There is internet where we'll be. And I'm not sure how it's gonna be of course, but maybe I'll be able to post some blogs while being there! And maybe even post some (crappy) pictures or maybe maybe even a youtubevideo. But you know, I don't know yet.

Was there something else........... don't know! Bye!
X Fleur

vrijdag, april 16

What should I write about?

Here is the video for Kiss the Frog, Marry the Boy

So tell me, what should I write about? What do you want to read about? What do you want to know?
x Fleur

donderdag, april 15

Ratchoo and Selah Sue

I was the support act of (of?) Selah Sue yesterday! Look her up on youtube I'd say. She's very cool. And it was okay, people were talking a lot, I just have to get used to that, as support act you get that all the time. And stuff.

Anyway. A while ago one of my rats died, Lotje. And now I've only one; Sjors. At first I thought I didn't want a second one again, but Sjors is so human-shy that she just doesn't get enough attention or any distraction.. I mean, can't be good for that little being, rats are smart and need to do stuff and play! So now I'm thinking about getting 2 new rats. Why 2 you ask? Because Sjors already about 2 years .. maybe 2 and a half even? And if I'd get only one young one, that one might be bored, if Sjors gets/is so old she's not playful anymore. And if Sjors dies in 0,5 to 1 year, I'll have the same problem again. And I really do want rats.. I just.. have to have something to uttle and tuttle and care about. And rats are such amazing creatures!

If you do not agree right now, I will make you agree by making you look at these photo's I took from the Fuck Yeah Rats-tumblr

okay this once a bít scary, but isn't it just as cute? Look at those eyes! And those ears :D

dailysquee.com nomnomnom!

Damnwell she iz.

OMGGG just LOOK at those cute cute soft pink bellies! :D

Oh, and today, I found out there are also hamsterrats. It's not a cross-breed, they're just called like this because they can stuff food in their cheeks like hamsters but are like rats otherwise. They look like this:

Holy CRAP! That was scary. :p

Well... I like normal rats better, these are a bit too.. roughly built? Though they're cute too, with that weird snout and huuuge ears!

And they kind of remind me of capybaras.
wellllll.. I'm going to go.
Dikke later jonge.

dinsdag, april 13

Brooches (oh and new lyrics)

My dad pushed a big metallicisch box towards me, and said there was stuff in there he was about to throw away.
I looked at the stuff, and though I never like or owned any brooches, I now have 7 of them. Here the crappy photobooth fashionbroochesshow.

I wore the black butterfly today, on my orange skirt. My schoolkids were highly impressed.
I also took some bullets, which I passed on to Marco, in an old autokeywallet.
And I took a flowery almost ugly wallet. And 2 ceramic? porselain? Stone.. tiles. With something printed on. One in Dutch saying "Men are air to me. But without air, I can't breath" and the other is in Frisian, and it's saying something like: "Be a ray of sun, someone else will like it".. orsomething. Both admirable vomitable sayings I say.
Oh. And a purple belt. A very small one.

I neeeeeeedddd aaaa neeeew black belt, a broad wiiiiide black belt. I lost my previous :( whyy?!!! It was so perfect, and I got it from my grannies belt-drawer. And now I don't know where it is. And wide black belts are very hard to find (nice ones).

I also don't know why anyone would like the colour orange.

ps. I have a new song! woo!
shall I.. yes, here it is:

Kiss the frog, marry the boy (just a title I chose for now)

All of the boys are fishing for the fish with the diamond ring
I promised to marry the guy that would catch him
All of the boys had a try, but little Timothy from down the block
was the one with the most of luck

He came to me with the fish and said
"Well that's that then; You'll be my wife, 'till death do us part, and I'll be your man"
"But little Timothy, can't you see? You're way too young for me?
What will your say mother, when she sees us this way?"

Will she cut off my hair?
Will she make me cut off yours?
Will she make me eat the apple?
Will she break all the mirrors on me?

Will she cut off my hair?
Will she make me cut off yours?
Will she make me eat the apple?
Will she break all the mirrors on me?

I shook little Timothy and said: "Don't you see?
Little Timothy you need to answer me!"
Then I saw in his fearful eyes, he really did not know
'cause he was just a little boy, he was just a little boy and so

I went to see my dad for advice and this is what he said
"Daughter of mine, if he were a frog, you'd kiss him isn't that..

You can't break a promise, even if you wanted to
True, you can't break a promise, even if you wanted to"


donderdag, april 8

Two Chairs video

ciaowz. x

woensdag, april 7


That's the link with the World Press Photo's I was talking about. :-)

IIIIIi've... gotttt.... nothing to say actually. Empty vessel!
X fleur

zaterdag, april 3

World Press Photo 2010

Pff. Images can be so shocking sometimes.
I was checking out Widelec.org a site with (most of the time) really amazing photo's; beautiful, funny, sad..

I stumbled upon a section about World Press Phot 2010.. and fak.. some images just made me stare, feeling terrible.

Here a few I liked, and a few terrible ones.

What do you think?

Bananas and raisins.

I want to tell, interesting stuff. But I've not nothing. Completely absolutely nothing.

Well.. then this.. a video. I was in Enschede a while ago, visiting the music academy. And I also went visiting a friend, and he had this dvd. Jonathan Coulton anyone? I think he's totally fucking awesome. His lyrics are amazing, and he in person is just really cute or something :-) adorable.
Anyway, he had a concertdvd of Jonathan called "Best. Concert. EVER." And normally I get bored watching concert dvds, but this time I didn't! :D and one song, I thought, was SO COOL. Because he had such an awesome instrument (a zendrum) anyway... enough blabla.

Here's a video of the song, Mister Fancy Pants, it's not very good quality.. but it's okay :-)

I think the whole video is awesome, but if you don't know him, or the concert it might be less, so the song starts attttttt..... 2:40
"Chances are you're best in everybody's pants!"

And if you like him and the song here, you should really check out other songs. Like.. Tom Cruise Crazy (He knows someday he'll have to play, an old retarded grandpa), Re: Your Brains (all we wanna do is eat your brains, we're not unreasonable, I mean, no one's gonna eat your eyes), Skull crusher Mountain (I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you).

Some days, I just love him. He is one of the awesomest persons I know.