Oooooh I am so tired. And isn't that the most cozy looking situation ever? :) If I were an iceberg I'd melt by now. Maybe that's the reason of all the melting Icecaps; cuteness. I think it probably is. I might phone Obama with this discovery in the morning.
I am too tired to do the colours tonight. Mm..
Jurriaan and Christina and I played again today, we did Kiss the frog, Marry the boy, and we tried Bobby the Sailorman. It was cool! And fun :)
And I wrote a song. Well, or a start. But it's one of those songs where I just start jabbering because I like the way the words sound. And those songs are most of the time bull crap, and tend to go about stuff .. about stuff I don't even know what they're about.
Anyway.. normally I don't do this, but I might as well post what I wrote.
You can not find love on the stones of the pavement
Walking your way to work
You can not expect the world to be easy
Some way somehow you'll get hurt
Walk your path up to the thoughts you think
Leave your tears in all the wine you drink
I'm not gonna lead you while you dance your life away
I'm getting sick of your waltzes, your breakdance and ballet
I'm not gonna watch you while you spin your world around
you may think you'll fly for ever, but someday you'll hit the ground
You won't find a way when you randomly follow
strangers you see on the street
You won't live your life the way that you want it
trusting everyone you meet
Make sure all those apes and bears will shrink
Throw off your load before it makes you sink
I'm not gonna lead you while you dance your life away
I'm getting sick of your waltzes, your breakdance and ballet
I'm not gonna watch you while you spin your world around
you may think you'll fly for ever, but someday you'll hit the ground
So.. whatever, I am tired.
Have a bath, you smellycat! geez.. what are they feeding you?
Sorry hoor maar dit is toch echt geen bull crap dit is gewoon ronduit poëtisch. ;)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenJa op zich vind ik dat ook wel.. maar als ik iets poetisch schrijf, weet ik meestal zelf niet waar het over gaat en zit er dus ook absoluut geen rode draad in het lied.. en dan gaat het dus eigenlijk nergens over :p .. nouja ik zal er nog eens mee door pruttelen
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHi !
BeantwoordenVerwijderenFirst of all I'm so glad I came accross your music, it's really great, love the lyrics, love the energy !
I did a cover of sex bomb too and then started looking for people who did too, not so many actually, but yours was the best from far.
I leave you my musical diary (http://ohnonohnon.tumblr.com) and myspace (http://myspace.com/lazycamille) just in case you wanna musically communicate.
Anyways, keep up the good work, you're a very good songwriter (but I guess you know that somehow).
Het is moeilijk om poetisch te zijn... En het klinkt als een wauwelcliché, maar ik denk dat de lezer/luisteraar met zo'n tekst er zijn eigen wereldje bij maakt, weet je, zijn eigen associaties, en dat is zeker wat waard!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDat wou ik even zeggen ;)
Mooie tekst!