I'm waiting for you to come get me.
Lyrics from a little while back:
A man walks up to a vendingmachine
He’s hoping to buy, to buy a dream
‘cause his nights’ve been black, since
his nights’ve been black ever since;
All the people, in their houses
Have been blowing out their candles at night
but what they don’t realize is
That he uses them as a guide
Are all people in your way?
A girl walks up to a vendingmachine
She’s hoping to buy grass that is as green
As the grass of the gardens
As the grass of the gardens
Of all the people, in the houses
Who’ve cut their flowers down
But what they don’t realize is
She uses them for her crown
Are all people in your way?
And when I walk up, to a vendingmachine
I’m hoping to find stuff I’ve never seen
I’m willing to open my eyes
I’m willing to open my eyes
But all the people, in their houses
are keeping their doors locked
and what they don’t realize is
I’ll only have to knock
Yes.. well.. you have smelly armpits!
I am so tired.
Yeah, well, you ARE a smelly armpit!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGave tekst :) Ga je er nog iets mee doen? (Of heb je dat al gedaan?)
Aah ooh aah, ik zie nu dat er nergens "alinea's" zijn! Die waren er wel! maar eh, nouja.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenEr zit al muziek bij ja, in principe is 'ie ook wel af wat dat betreft.. moet nog even zien of ik 'm zelf ook leuk vind :) (als compleet nummer)