Via Designlovefest, dress your tech! (So currently my wallpaper)
Okay, so I don't really have a lot of money at the moment. Or well, I haven't had a lot of for the past 4 years. So you could say I'm kind of used to it by now. But books.. (reading) books make me happy, and buying books always feels better than buying clothes, shoes, make-up, stuff that isn't necessary at all. So books, I keep buying. I keep buying books.
Okay, so I don't really have a lot of money at the moment. Or well, I haven't had a lot of for the past 4 years. So you could say I'm kind of used to it by now. But books.. (reading) books make me happy, and buying books always feels better than buying clothes, shoes, make-up, stuff that isn't necessary at all. So books, I keep buying. I keep buying books.
Mostly second hand I must say though. I mean, for a new Margaret Atwood or Murakami I would definitely run to Polare to buy them. Or when has one of those 3 for 1 actions (I luvvvv those actions). But otherwise I mostly buy my books secondhand. Here in Utrecht, my favorite spot is 'De Arm' at the Oude Gracht. If you're ever in Utrecht and like going to store like that, go there!
I bought a few of them a while back, and a few yesterday, when I was there with a friend.
I bought a few of them a while back, and a few yesterday, when I was there with a friend.
Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel García Marquez.
I read One Hundred Years of Solitude by this man, and even though it was a hard read, it is one of my favorite books. I always said to myself that if I'd find this one I would buy it, so when I saw it there for 2,5 euro's I was like booook ur mine! Hellzyeah.
I read One Hundred Years of Solitude by this man, and even though it was a hard read, it is one of my favorite books. I always said to myself that if I'd find this one I would buy it, so when I saw it there for 2,5 euro's I was like booook ur mine! Hellzyeah.
Everything is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer
I read this one a few years ago and loved it. I'd borrowed it from a friend though.. I don't like borrowing books, 'cause when they're cool I'm going to want to have them, but when I've already read them it feels kind of silly to go and buy a copy of my own.. Anyway, for 2 euro's I just took it. I love Jonathan Safran Foer. His Extremely loud Incredibly Close was a good read, and Eating Animals was really amazing. And I mean, if you write a book about the bio industries you have my stamp of aproval no matter what. (well, except of course when you write about it and are cool with all the shit happening there)
Mythen en Sagen van de Griekse Wereld by Dr. Sophie Ramondt
Greekology mythologie sagology YEAHOLOGY! I wanted a book about the old Greek mythology for a while now, it seems like perrrfect song-writing inspiration! I just love those amazing stories. I bought it for 2,5 ekkies, and when I bought it there were still 2 copies left (one was 1,5 and falling apart, the other 3 or 3,50 and super perfect). I started reading it this morning and I already liked it.

You Shall Know Our Velocity by Dave Eggers
I liked Dave Eggers when I had read What is the What and I liked him even more when I read (Where) The Wild Things (Are). Tom got The Circle also by mr. Eggers, and thoughI haven't read it yet it seems like a good book. I have no idea what this book is about, I bought it just because I have faith in Dave Eggers. This one was 3,50 and hardcover (I don't really like hardcover), so I hope Dave won't let me down.
Greekology mythologie sagology YEAHOLOGY! I wanted a book about the old Greek mythology for a while now, it seems like perrrfect song-writing inspiration! I just love those amazing stories. I bought it for 2,5 ekkies, and when I bought it there were still 2 copies left (one was 1,5 and falling apart, the other 3 or 3,50 and super perfect). I started reading it this morning and I already liked it.
You Shall Know Our Velocity by Dave Eggers
I liked Dave Eggers when I had read What is the What and I liked him even more when I read (Where) The Wild Things (Are). Tom got The Circle also by mr. Eggers, and thoughI haven't read it yet it seems like a good book. I have no idea what this book is about, I bought it just because I have faith in Dave Eggers. This one was 3,50 and hardcover (I don't really like hardcover), so I hope Dave won't let me down.
Mrs Dalloway by Virginia WoolfA penguin classic.. can't go wrong with those right? I've never read anything by Virginia Woolf so I'm curious. I have no clue what the book is about or if I like her writing but for 2 euro's I thought I'd take the chance.
Beyond Black by Hilary MantelI judge a book by it's cover. I liked this cover, I bought the book. I've never heard of Hilary Mantel before so again, no idea if I'm going to like it. The book's been wet I think, 'cause the cover and first 20 pages are a bit damaged, but everything's still readable. It's about a medium, and Tom's really into that lately (also because he's writing his filmscript about it! Super cool!) and so it piqued my interest. If it's shit, at least I'll have a nice cover. It was mine for 2,5 euro's.
De Fabels van La Fontaine Awww I saw this and I was smitten with (by?) it! I love fairytales, or fables.. and this one has stunning drawings/engraving in it! The Fables are in 'old' Dutch which I always find annoying to read, but hey, it's not that difficult, and still awesommmme. I paid 6 euro's for it. Here some of the engravings:
Awesome right? The details! :-)
Well, that was all. I should go and practice for the EP again. I couldn't be less excited to do so, but I'll thank myself later.
Have a nice day!
Damn gurl, da's de moeite (het aantal boeken, niet wat je er aan hebt uitgegeven). Onze lerares Latijn op de middelbare las wel eens een verhaal voor en volgens mij was dat uit Mythen en Sagen van de Griekse Wereld, maar ik weet het niet zeker meer. Maar welk boek het ook was: verhalen uit de klassieke oudheid zijn echt vet! Eigenlijk wil ik de Ilias een keer lezen, maar volgens mij is daar alleen een vrij letterlijke vertaling van, wat het wel weer lastiger maakt om te lezen (denk ik, althans). En het verhaal van De Odyssee is ook supercool, daar hebben we een miniserie van gekeken tijdens Latijn (die lessen waren buiten de taal zelf erg cool :P). Ik ben zelf trouwens in De Alchemist begonnen en ik ben bang dat mijn verwachtingen iets te hoog gespannen waren... Maar goed, ik moet nog ruim de helft.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHaha daimmnnn. Oh wat tof! Ik wilde ook altijd Latijn en Grieks doen omdat ik idd die verhalen zo cool vond! Maar de talen zelf.. ;-) Ja is daar geen 'moderne' vertaling van? Jammer. Lijkt me ook wel tof. Ik ben in ieder geval benieuwd wat er allemaal in het boek staat, ben helemaal niet bekend met de mythes en sagen.
VerwijderenOh echt! Nou ik ben benieuwd wat je er van vindt. Het is misschien wel iets meer een vrouwenboek? Of is dat gek om te zeggen? ;p
De Alchemist werd me in eerste instantie aangeraden door een kennis (man), daarna las ik er hier over en dáárna vertelde een vriend van me dat het één van zijn lievelingsboeken is, dus vooralsnog lijkt het me een unisex boek :P
VerwijderenOh! haha oke ja redelijk unisex dan ;) ik heb er eigenlijk alleen maar vrouwen over horen praten, vandaar mijn te snel getrokken conclusie. Heb je 'm al uit?