I'm watching Superbad on tv. I wish I could marry Michael Cera.
Ever since I saw him in Juno I fell in love with him. Well, I practically fell in love with everything in Juno. Ellen Page, the music (mainly) by Kimya Dawson, having a baby and putting it up for adoption.. hello bad joke. Nah, I just love that movie :) Also! If you liked Ellen Page in Juno, go watch her in Hard Candy.. awesome movie. Might be a bit painful to watch if you're a man.
Ooh yesterday I went to Leiden (a city) to see my sister Wieteke (she's in the navy) and her boyfriend, I got to see their house, never saw it before :) and I hadn't seen her in like.. a year, since she was on a ship fighting pirates! (yohoo yohoo a pirate's life isn't for me no no) (.........) and my oldest sister also came (she lives nearby). She'd brought lots of her lovely clothes.
And because of little faults in a dress I got it for farreee! Aahhrr I would love it so much to just really buy something from her.. I really like the garments she makes and I would just really love to support her in such a way. But I just don't have the money... so, the least I can do is spamming you with her website! visit: WWW.CHARLOTTEKAN.COM
Maybe I'll upload a picture wearing the dress, and spam with that too. Gosh I am so tired.. drinking some hot chocolate. mm.
I feel like.. a musicpost.. or a lyricbitspost.. or maybe just a pictures of ommmgmcute animals post. Or...... other cool images posts.. Anyone any idea?

ohhhhh that hair.. I love it.
I feel like dying my hair pink(ish) again. Or red. Or maybe a darker brown. Or black.
I'm just hairbored, like always.
x aksmeaquestion
Doe please geen zwart, alles behalve zwart. Het is zo moeilijk om vrolijk en positief te zijn rondom zwart. een beetje blond/roodachtig zou heel mooi staan(denk ik) houdt het iets subtiels.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIk heb ook even superbad gezien, ooh wat herkenbaar xD
Haha zwart is bij mij altijd een loos dreigement. Ik zeg het steeds maar zal het (waarschijnlijk) nooit doen.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAl ben ik het niet eens met dat het moeilijk vrolijk en positief te zijn rond zwart ;)
Het is ook maar gewoon een kleur.. maar toch, suikerspin roze zal meer mensen laten lachen ;p
Ja toch! Michael Cera.... ;p